Thursday, 3 December 2009

Hannah the Happily Ever After Fairy (My review)

I read a story called Hannah the happily ever after fairy. It was a story about a fairy called Hannah and two girls and a very bad goblin called Jack Frost. Now I am going to tell you a bit of the story ok. One day these two girls went to the library to read a story. At the library they always read a story like Sleeping beauty, Suddenly when they read the story Sleeping beauty didn’t marry the prince, So they pick up another book this time they pick Repunzel, but this time Repunzel was still stuck in the tower, They didn’t know what to do.

Then a little voice came behind her ear " Hi there" said there fairy " I am Hannah the happily ever after fairy you need to help me Jack Frost got the magic Quilt. " How did he get it " said Kirsty " this is how last night Jack Frost sneak into the palace and took the magic Quilt" said Hannah.

Then someone came in the library, it was Jack Frost said hannah, Jack Frost said a magic spell " When I come in another day you will not remember me " said Jack Frost.
Jack Frost carried a big bag and there it is the magic Quilt is in his bag. Then Rachel climbed the table when Jack Frost wasn't looking at her because he was too busy writing the new words, but suddenly Jack Frost saw Rachel and he was trying to catch Rachel but then Kirsty came over and started writing some words she wrote these words all the books will have happy endings and Jack Frost will never be seen again, but then a huge wind pick up Jack Frost and he blown away. The End


  1. kakak, i love the story soo much and nice summary too. keep reading.
    lepas tu nant, pls tell me the new story ya.

  2. Humaira sayang,

    good job Humaira, ummi loves it too. As auntie said, keep reading and writing ok.


  3. Dear Humaira,

    A good summary. Well done. Keep on reading and keep on writing.


  4. Salam..Humaira dear,

    Makcik loves fairy tales so much even until now.

    keep writing more stories..makcik love to know the story too.

    ::Makcik Arita

  5. auntie noni:
    thank you auntie noni. my new story is The Picky Prince. enjoy reading.

    I will right all the time ummi

    thank you i really like it too.

    Mak cik:
    I like fairytale to thank you.
